Happy New Year! Do you have a resolution for your business? Maybe you’d like to strive to be a greener company, build better relationships with customers, give better customer service, use sustainable ingredients, or just spread love and laughter every time you meet a stranger. We’re with you! Here at FACETS Business Solutions, we start every New Year with an inspirational quote, and we try to always apply it in our everyday work and personal lives, too.
Our inspirational quote for the start of our year is by Napoleon Hill, a 19th Century author who was one of the first writers of self-help literature for success. He has been known to say, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.” Oh this is a good one! Why? Because it means that the human mind is powerful enough to believe and drive success.
When business owners think and act, they have the power to bring about positive change. Here at FACETS Business Solutions, we would say that the word “thoughts” in the quote is focus, and “definiteness of purpose” is determination, and add burning desire to the combination and we can do anything we strive to do. So, if your desire is to build better relationships, you have to focus on what better relationships are (example: positive interactions between you and the customer, an understanding that you are motivated to provide them with good and fair service, and they with reinforced and continuous support), and then build on these thoughts by actions (example: going out of your way for customers, keeping in touch with them, not just to sell and market to them, but to actually want to know who they are, where they come from, and how they’re doing in life).
This quote is open to many positive interpretations, so take these ideas and run with them – apply them to all the idyllic notions you’d like to put in motion this New Year.
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