Category: Networking

  • How To Be A Better Public Speaker At Your Company Meeting

    Not everyone is a good public speaker, and most of us shy away from the task. It is important however, for a seasoned professional and owner/manger to offer enlightenment and inspiration to employees, at a conference or annual general meeting. So, how can you get up to the podium bravely? Here are a few steps you can take to speak well:

  • What’s Your Marketing Tactic?

    We’ve talked about the power of word-of-mouth marketing before, and truly believe in it. This is because the person who really needs your service, uses it, loves the work done (only if you’re good at your job, of course), and then refers it to anyone who listens. Not to disregard direct mail ads, publicity, and advertising (they have their place), and cold calling (not sure if this one works much), but they are definitely the least effective according to the book Managing the Professional Service Firm by David Maister. He lists seminars, speeches, and articles in trade press as first tier, and networking in the second tier.