Author: admin

  • Going Green

    Loveable Kermit the frog said, it’s not easy being green. On the contrary, we think it is—going green that is. We throw the term around nowadays; green has become an adage in marketing, and business conversations. But, we don’t think this is a bad thing because the more the adage is used, the more we […]

  • Ingredients For a Great Company Event

    Everyone loves a good company event – they’re fun; but, most of all, they’re a great opportunity for connecting and networking with the businesses you deal with on a daily basis. Want to spread the word about your business, or give information about a new product or service? Get on the phone to a good […]

  • Decorating Your Office – Put Your Best Foot Forward

    A great deal can be assumed from the way an office is decorated—if it’s decorated nicely, it shows care, attention, love for your work and customers, and it promotes trust and general good feelings. Poor decoration however, shows lack of care and respect for your own space and respectively toward your customers, and it builds […]

  • Keeping Employees Informed

    It’s 9:00 am on a workday; do you know how much your employees know about the business they’re representing, the company and the industry they work in? Quiz them, but not before you’ve given them a chance to learn and immerse themselves in the subjects at hand, and definitely not in a boring, circle the […]

  • Organizing Receipts With Good Bookkeeping Helps for Audits

    A couple of reasons why regular receipt organization and bookkeeping are so necessary for a small business is to keep personal and business financial papers separate. Why do this, you might ask? To not give the government a reason to audit you, and if you were to be audited, your finances would already be clearly […]

  • Facebook, From Small to Super Successful

    Facebook. It’s one of today’s main social media sites; but mostly, it’s one of this decade’s most successful business stories—the story of Mark Zuckerberg and how he launches a photo directory site from his Harvard dorm room, to simply interact with other students, and suddenly he stumbles upon online relationship-building gold. Today, however, the simple […]

  • Missing Money

    Make sure you and your family, even your relatives, are not missing any money that might belong to you. We’re not talking about mattress money – you know the small-denomination coins you dig for in the back of the old couch – no; we’re talking real money, hundreds, maybe thousands, even millions of dollars. Now, […]

  • Business Success and Money

    Henry Ford has been quoted saying, “a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” Here at FACETS Business Solutions we like to stop occasionally, and think about the meaning of inspirational business quotes. What is it about quotes that make us feel warm and fuzzy, even motivated? Let’s take Henry Ford’s quote, […]

  • Accrual Accounting During The Holidays

    In the accounting and bookkeeping world, it’s important to understand what accrual accounting means and how important it is during a company’s most busy sales quarter. What’s accrual? It’s when you account for each financial transaction as it happens—every time you sell a product or service, you record it. In accrual bookkeeping, you record every transaction no matter when payment occurs.