What Happens When You Keep Organized Financial Records

So, you’re a small business and you’ve been spotty with your bookkeeping records. Do you know how much you made last year, or the year before? Can you predict what income you’ll make next year? If it’s not clear, you may be on the downward path of losing your business.

It’s as simple as this. Every sale or expense affects your business, and if you record it properly, you avoid errors.

What can consistent record keeping do to your business? You’ll know when there are business expenses and tax credits you can claim back. You’ll even predict the amount of tax you will have to pay at the end of the year (no surprises!). You’ll know how much profit you’ve made and can plan to surpass your old financial goals.

Should you buy more products for your store shelves, or do you have enough in the store? Just take a look at your records: they’ll show you how much you’re selling and how much you should re-order.

What about when you want to sell your business, we’ll tell you, keeping clean records will help you make sound financial decisions. You won’t lose the business for less than it should be sold.

 What if you aren’t numbers oriented, or get fed up with recording each receipt or bank statement? Don’t swim in a sea of wrong entries in your financial book; have a professional come in once a week or month to help.

If you need bookkeeping training, we can do that for you. Do you know how many years you’re legally required to keep your records? If you don’t know, ask – just send us an email!





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