Networking – Grow Your Business

Networking for business comes with dos and don’ts. Proper etiquette makes the difference, when trying to successfully gain business contacts and build relationships. We really enjoyed reading Small Business BC’s article, Grow Your Business Through Networking:, and since we at FACETS Business Solutions love to network (we belong to BNI in BC we want to add a few notes of our own regarding decorum.

Small Business BC’s article mentions that you should build a fan club (a group you feel you can trust) of educators and likeminded businesspeople that know you and can support you. We must add that how you would collect these individuals is by being a friend to them first and offering them your help and support. Offer your time and you’ll receive theirs.

The article also states that being memorable is important. Make sure you represent your business to the same ‘right’ crowd on a consistent basis—this is building your brand and keeping your business top-of-mind. We agree, and at BNI we speak about visibility, credibility, and profitability—one leads to the other, and then to what you ultimately seek, great profits.

Another discussion is about following up and developing relationships. Without the follow up, you’ve made one connection and that isn’t enough to sustain a long-term association; it may not even be enough to create the trust and bond that promotes and leads to business. We at FACETS feel a face-to-face meeting is much better than just adding someone to a newsletter feed, although that’s not bad either; but if you truly want to do business with the people you’ve exchanged cards with, make the bold move of meeting them to learn about their business and teach them about yours, too.

Let us know where you network and what has helped you create relationships—no, really, we love networking this much, and we want to know.


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